It's going to be very difficult to THANK everyone who participated in our first ever Reformation OC Conference; so we will simply say, "THANK THE LORD," for the wonderful turn-out, presentations, and volunteering that took place that weekend!!!
Most of our recorded sessions are listed below in last year's conference agenda.
THANK YOU also to the many conference attendees who were present at the Evening OC Reformation Service at the Crystal Cathedral! (Video link here:
We are now in the process of planning for our 2012 Reformation Conference. To be included in upcoming details and emails, find us on Facebook, and email us at: [email protected]
Schedule & Speakers: THIS EVENT IS FREE (Donations STILL accepted)!
Friday, October 28; 2011
6:00 PM -- Early Breakout Session: The Earliest Apostolic Sermons Taught the Doctrine of Justification
Synopsis: "Justification is the article upon which the church stands or falls!" This quote has been attributed to Martin
Luther, the personality most associated with the Protestant Reformation. But is the doctrine of "justification" a primary
concern among the Apostles who first preached the gospel to the world? We read of justification in the book of Romans and
Galatians, but where is it taught in the book of Acts? This will be explored.
Presenter: Rev. Kent Moorlach is the teaching elder at Communion Presbyterian Church (ARP) in Irvine, Ca. He is a
graduate of Talbot School of Theology and San Francisco Theological Seminary. Rev. Moorlach is a life long resident of
Orange County and is married to Stephanie; they have three children. *** Rev. Moorlach will also be preaching at the Sunday
Evening Reformation Service at the Crystal Cathedral at 7pm on October 30... Your attendance is requested!***
Session Audio Available: Soon...
6:45 PM -- Registrations and Exhibits
7:00 PM -- Conference Welcome & Introductions
7:15 to 8:00 -- First Main Session -- "Jerusalem, Constantinople, and Rome: The Genius of Protestantism"
Synopsis: This presentation considers the question of the continuing import of the Protestant ethos, the issues that gave
rise to its domination of the West, and the always reforming nature of the Church in a changing cultural setting. As we quickly
approach the arrival of “World Protestantism," how will we change, what will we become; how will that standard of “Always
Reforming” look on the scale of a world and not merely a continent? Can our most cherished truths survive in the face of a
Christian Africa, a Christian China, and conceivably “a Christian Earth” in the eclipse of the post-Christian West?
Presenter: Christopher Neiswonger received his Juris Doctor from Trinity Law School in Santa Ana, CA and His Master's
Degree in Communication and Culture from Trinity Graduate School in Deerfield, Illinois. He has been the host of the popular Radio Show on KKLA 99.5 for the last 8 years and has served in many Christian Churches over the last
twenty years. He works in the legal department of one of the world's largest NGOs, is currently an Elder in training at, and
a member of Calvary Presbyterian Church of Glendale, CA (PCA) and lives in Azusa CA with his wife Deni and their 5 children.
Session Audio Available:
8:00 to 8:45 -- Break and Breakout Sessions:
A) The Doctrine of Sin
Synopsis: In Leviticus 10, we see the sons of Aaron destroyed by God for offering strange fire and defiling His holy
sanctuary with that which is impure. Today, God does not dwell in an ancient near eastern war tent, but in the souls of His
people. We are the Holy of Holies with God's presence within us; and yet we persist in offering and ingesting defilement
before Him. Sadly, we often don't realize the gravity of our sin. Culture has taught us to see sin as a mere mistake or an error
to which a kindly God will give a knowing wink. However, the Bible portrays God despising sin with great passion. This
session will present a Biblical theology of sin framed upon word studies from the Old and New Testament, as well as a brief
historic and systematic theology of the topic; primarily drawn from Ancient, Medieval and Puritan sources.
Presenter: Sam Welbaum is the Youth Pastor at Shoreline Baptist Church is Fountain Valley, CA. He holds an MA in
Christian Apologetics from Biola University, a Masters of Theological Studies from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary
and is working on a PhD in Philosophy of Religion and Theology from Claremont Graduate University. Sam currently is a staff
apologist and radio host with and is adjunct faculty at California Baptist University instructing courses in Old
Testament, Philosophy and Evangelism.
B) "A New Song Played With Skill"
Synopsis: The example of the Psalmist, and of the New Testament Church is one in which we see the glory of God so
overflowing in the heart of the believer that they erupt in singing. We sing of what God has revealed about Himself and the
way of salvation, committing it to song so that it can be recalled and presented with a splendor that serves to further incite the
soul to long for the things of God. In this way, music serves the ministry of the word. In the face of Naturalism’s reduction of
beauty to a 'reward / response' in the human brain, we stand firm in proclaiming that God is beautiful and all particular
beauties derive from God. Further, we proclaim the beauty of the way of salvation. In light of this, how should musicians in the
21st Century Church proclaim the word of God and the beauty of God in a generation distracted and over-stimulated by
glamour? How do we make His praise glorious?
Presenter: Lindsay Brooks is a staff apologist with and has been a church musician and professional
musician for 20 years. He is a member of Communion Presbyterian Church and a husband and father.
Session Audio Available:
C) Grace: Saving, Transforming, Equipping, Assuring
Synopsis: A brief overview of the Reformed tenet 'by grace alone' and it's implications for the life of a believer and ministry
in the church.
Presenter: Born and raised in California in a conservative Presbyterian home, Pastor James is empathetic to the unique
concerns of Southern Californians. He pursued business after receiving an economics degree from UC Irvine, but received a
call to the gospel ministry and began studies at Westminster Seminary California (WSC). Having received the Master of
Divinity degree, Pastor James was ordained in 1994 as a minister of the Korean-American Presbyterian Church and served in
several ministries throughout Southern California. Pastor James has also served as moderator of both the North American
Presbytery (NAP) and the North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council (NAPARC). And has been an At-Large
member of the Board of Trustees of WSC for the 4 years. The desire to reach the lost and hurting souls in Orange County
led him to plant a church in the Winter of 2002. Together with his wife, JiWon, and three children (Melissa, Debi and Matthew),
Pastor James has been ministering for over 20 years.
9:00 to 9:45 -- Second Main Session -- "Apologetics of the Reformation"
Synopsis: A brief survey of the apologetic method of "The Divines," the authors of the Westminster Confession of the 1640's
Presenter: Paul Viggiano has been the pastor of the Branch of Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church for twenty-one years.
Prior to that he was a youth pastor for St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (USA) and prior to that on staff with Athletes in
Action—the athletic outreach of Campus Crusade for Christ. Paul has a Master’s in Apologetics from Biola University. He
also has credentials to teach college and high school. Paul has attended Talbot Seminary, King’s College Seminary, Bahnsen
Theological Seminary, Westminster Seminary and Biola University. Pastor Paul can be heard every Sunday morning at
10:00am on KKLA, 99.5FM on "Soli Deo Gloria." He also writes a column for The Daily Breeze, a secular newspaper in the
South Bay Area. He is the author of Remedial Christianity and a contributing author of He Restoreth My Soul. Paul is married
to Jen, and has four children: Gabriella (15), Paul Jr. (12), Sophia (10), and Gino (5).
Session Audio Available:
10:00 PM -- Close of Friday Conference
--> Lamppost Pizza (just 50 yards from our conference location) has agreed to stay open to 2am for us to enjoy late-night fellowship! Join us!
12 Midnight -- Listen to: on KKLA (99.5FM)
Saturday, October 29; 2011
9:00 AM -- Early Breakout Session: The "New Speak" of Liberal Christianity (A Conversation)
Synopsis: What are we to think about the church, seminary, or denomination which adopts the exact verbage of Scripture
and the Reformation tradition, and appropriates them with completely new meanings? Where shall we find consensus on
what the Bible actually teaches about our faith and practice?
Presenter: Rev. Kent Moorlach is the teaching elder at Communion Presbyterian Church (ARP) in Irvine, Ca. He is a
graduate of Talbot School of Theology and San Francisco Theological Seminary. Rev. Moorlach is a life long resident of
Orange County. *** Rev. Moorlach will also be preaching at the Sunday Evening Reformation Service at the Crystal
Cathedral at 7pm on October 30... Your attendance is requested!***
Session Audio Available:
9:45 AM -- Registrations and Exhibits
10:00 AM -- Welcome and Introductions
10:15 AM -- Third Main Session -- "Welcome to a Reformed Church"
Synopsis: “Who are these guys?” That was the question the teenage Daniel Hyde posed to his father when he first
encountered “Reformed” believers. With their unique beliefs and practices, these Christians didn’t fit any of the categories in
his mind. Not so many years later, and as Rev. Daniel Hyde of a Reformed church, Hyde now recognizes the road of those
on the outside looking in, just as he once was. Welcome to a Reformed Church: A Guide for Pilgrims was written to explain
what Reformed churches believe and why they structure their life and worship as they do. In layman’s terms, Hyde sketches
the historical roots of the Reformed churches, their scriptural and confessional basis, their key beliefs, and the ways in which
those beliefs are put into practice. The result is a roadmap for those encountering the Reformed world for the first time and a
primer for those who want to know more about their Reformed heritage.
Presenter: Rev. Daniel R. Hyde is a graduate of Westminster Seminary, Ca. and is the church planter and pastor of the
Oceanside United Reformed Church in Oceanside. He was baptized into the Roman Catholic Church, converted in a
Foursquare Church, educated at an Assemblies of God college, and youth pastored in a non-denominational church!
Rev. Hyde was brought to the Reformed Faith while in college and was drawn to it through its reverence, transcendence, and
mystery in both theology and worship. He is married to Karajean, and they have three sons.
Session Audio Available:
11:00 AM -- Break out Sessions
A) We Sin Because We Are Good At It: Confession & Forgiveness
Synopsis: This Session did not take place due to mechanical failures in our presenter's automobile.
B) Preservation of Scripture: A Lost Doctrine of the Reformation?
Synopsis: The foundation of the Christian Faith is the written Word of God. Why have so many modern Reformed
Christians consistently failed to apply Biblical presuppositions to the field of textual criticism which has resulted in the
acceptance of Bible translations that no longer support the proof texts of our Confessions? Pastor Stark will give an overview
of the history and philosophy that has led to this demise in the defense of the faith.
Presenter: Rev. David Th. Stark is senior pastor at Grace Presbyterian Church of Redding, California. He's a graduate of the
Reformed Episcopal Seminary in Philadelphia, PA. He is a founding member of the Covenanting Association of Reformed and
Presbyterian Churches. In his over 30 years of ministry experience, he has planted and pastored several Reformed churches
throughout Northern California.
Session Audio Available:
C) The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Reformed Tradition
Synopsis: Do Reformed churches believe in the Holy Spirit? If Reformed churches order their services in a liturgical pattern,
when does the Holy Spirit "move" to convict hearts and demonstrate "the gifts?" This session will seek to positively present
the person and work of the Holy Spirit in the Reformed tradition.
Presenter: Rev. Daniel R. Hyde is a graduate of Westminster Seminary, Ca. and is the church planter and pastor of the
Oceanside United Reformed Church in Oceanside. He was baptized into the Roman Catholic Church, converted in a
Foursquare church, educated at an Assemblies of God college, and youth pastored in a non-denominational church!
Rev. Hyde was brought to the Reformed Faith while in college and was drawn to it through its reverence, transcendence, and
mystery in both theology and worship. He is married to Karajean, and they have three sons.
Session Audio Available:
11:45 AM -- Pastoral Prayer
12:00 Noon -- Lunch (We plan to provide a low cost lunch option on campus, or you may bring a lunch, or you can find a local establishment!)
1:00 PM -- Fourth Main Session -- "Bring the Book: The Power of Protestant Pulpits (An examination of Reformation movements founded upon the authority of God's Word)"
Presenter: Born and raised in Belfast, Ireland, Philip DeCoursey came to faith during his teen years. After studying
engineering and working as a police officer, DeCoursey sensed God's call to the ministry and attended The Master's
Seminary in Southern California. Today, DeCoursey is the pastor of Kindred Community Church in Anaheim Hills and he is
heard daily on KKLA radio (10:30am -- and nationally) through the broadcast ministry of Know the Truth (
DeCoursey lives in Orange County with his wife and three daughters.
Session Audio Available:
1:45 PM -- Break out sessions
A) The Warrior-Pastor: Appropriating the Example of Ulrich Zwingli for a 21st
Century Reformation
Synopsis: Paul repeatedly admonishes Timothy to fight the good fight of faith and to be a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
Everyone knows that Pauline rhetoric regarding pastoral ministry is saturated with this kind of bold martial imagery, but it is
not always easy to find examples of godly men whose ministry conforms to these uncompromising standards. Surely in the
life of Ulrich Zwingli, the Reformer of Zurich, we find a pastor-theologian who sought to personify this Pauline imagery in his
life and ministry. Zwingli’s bold stand for the truth, even unto death on the battlefield of Kappel, stands as a model for 21st
century confessionally Reformed pastors to emulate by preaching, promoting, and defending Reformed doctrine against
those who attack the church by teaching false doctrine.
Presenter: John Sawtelle, pastor of All Saints Reformed Church in Brea, CA, is an ordained minister of Word and
Sacrament in the United Reformed Church of North America (URCNA) and has served previously in the Reformed
Presbyterian Church of North America. He has a BA in Humanities with a concentration in Ancient Near Eastern Studies from
CSU Sacramento, a Master of Divinity from Westminster Seminary in Escondido, CA, and is working on his Masters Thesis
in Rhetorical Theory and Criticism at CSU Fullerton. Pastor John loves to preach the Bible verse by verse in order to show
God’s people the basis of their doctrinal convictions in God’s word. His life-goal is to be part of a church planting movement
that plants more confessionally Reformed churches in the LA metropolitan area than there are AM/PM Mini Marts.
Session Audio Available:
B) Salvation by: Imputation or Infusion (What's the Difference?)
Synopsis: How are we made acceptable to God? On what basis are we made righteous before Him? Is it based upon
something He does in us or for us? Does this distinction really matter all that much? Come join us as we discuss the
difference between infusion and imputation of righteousness and decide which one plays a role in our justification and which
one does not. We'll find that a proper description of the gospel depends upon a proper use of prepositions.
Presenter: Rev. Jonathan Moersch was born and raised in Orange County and was active in the Calvary Chapel
movement. After graduating with a BA in History from CSU San Marcos, Moersch attended Westminster Seminary in
Escondido and became the associate pastor of Oceanside United Reformed Church. As an ordained minister with the URC,
Moersch is currently planting a new Reformed fellowship which meets in Capistrano Beach. Moersch is married to Kristin;
the have two sons.
Session Audio Available:
C) The Lord's Day Sabbath: Precious Jewel of Puritan Practice
Synopsis: The Lord's Day Sabbath is a precious gift given by God to His people as a sign of His Covenant with them. It is
like a bride's wedding ring. Yet so many Christians today fail to understand its beauty, seriousness and obligation for them.
The Church today is too often like a foolish bride refusing to wear her ring as a token of her marriage covenant. Pastor Stark
will answer many of the questions and attacks often brought against the doctrine and observance of the Lord"s Day Sabbath
both from within and without the believing Church.
Presenter: Rev. David Th. Stark is senior pastor at Grace Presbyterian Church of Redding, California. He's a graduate of
the Reformed Episcopal Seminary in Philadelphia, PA. He is a founding member of the Covenanting Association of Reformed
and Presbyterian Churches. In his over 30 years of ministry experience, he has planted and pastored several Reformed
churches throughout Northern California.
Session Audio Available:
3:00 PM -- Conference Concludes
--> Please visit our "RSVP" tab (top of this page) and register!
--> Be a part of the discussion on Facebook:
--> Add us to your Facebook calendar by "Attending" our event:!/event.php?eid=183569981703207
Sunday Morning, October 30; 2011
AM -- Reformation Sunday Services throughout Orange County --
- Communion Presbyterian Church --
Sunday Evening, October 30; 2011
7:00 PM -- Orange County Reformation Evening Service at the Crystal Cathedral of Garden Grove
A gathering of Christian churches for the celebration of the compelling message and continuing significance of the Reformation!
"The Reformation was the most significant historic and cultural event of the last 500 years. It was born into a time of political and religious upheaval the likes of which the world had never known and set Europe ablaze with newness of life and purity of heart.
So many years since, do the findings and foundations laid in that age of renewal retain their vigor and import? Are we still, as those that laid this path proclaimed, "Semper Reformanda," (Always Reforming)?
Athanasius once stood against the world for the purity of the Gospel; Martin Luther also had the honor of standing in that place against both Emperor and Pope with the world looking on, and in the face of that grand opposition did make a good confession, that unless he could be convinced by sacred scripture or sound reason, he should not, he would not, recant. “To act against conscience is neither right, nor safe. Here I stand. So help me God. Amen.”
To 'Reform' is not to abandon, neither is it to recreate, but to return; to return again and again, in every age and in every understanding to the path laid by the Prophets and the Apostles, portraying the person and work of Jesus Christ. If we are to be followers of Jesus then let us not follow at a distance. If we are to be Christians then let us proclaim with zeal the victories of our King Jesus. If we are to stand, then let us stand for something, and let it be worthy of living and dying for, because in so much as we cling to the good news of our Christ, we mark ourselves as those counted worthy by God of so great a salvation.
These are the fundamental questions of the Reformation, so let us see if they truly are still controversial, still important, and still in need of vigorous defense!
Why the Bible? Why Faith? Why Grace? Why Jesus? Why Glory to God?
Why must these “Solas,” without any other thing, be preserved in solitude from any mixture or confusion with any other element?" - CN
Most of our recorded sessions are listed below in last year's conference agenda.
THANK YOU also to the many conference attendees who were present at the Evening OC Reformation Service at the Crystal Cathedral! (Video link here:
We are now in the process of planning for our 2012 Reformation Conference. To be included in upcoming details and emails, find us on Facebook, and email us at: [email protected]
Schedule & Speakers: THIS EVENT IS FREE (Donations STILL accepted)!
Friday, October 28; 2011
6:00 PM -- Early Breakout Session: The Earliest Apostolic Sermons Taught the Doctrine of Justification
Synopsis: "Justification is the article upon which the church stands or falls!" This quote has been attributed to Martin
Luther, the personality most associated with the Protestant Reformation. But is the doctrine of "justification" a primary
concern among the Apostles who first preached the gospel to the world? We read of justification in the book of Romans and
Galatians, but where is it taught in the book of Acts? This will be explored.
Presenter: Rev. Kent Moorlach is the teaching elder at Communion Presbyterian Church (ARP) in Irvine, Ca. He is a
graduate of Talbot School of Theology and San Francisco Theological Seminary. Rev. Moorlach is a life long resident of
Orange County and is married to Stephanie; they have three children. *** Rev. Moorlach will also be preaching at the Sunday
Evening Reformation Service at the Crystal Cathedral at 7pm on October 30... Your attendance is requested!***
Session Audio Available: Soon...
6:45 PM -- Registrations and Exhibits
7:00 PM -- Conference Welcome & Introductions
7:15 to 8:00 -- First Main Session -- "Jerusalem, Constantinople, and Rome: The Genius of Protestantism"
Synopsis: This presentation considers the question of the continuing import of the Protestant ethos, the issues that gave
rise to its domination of the West, and the always reforming nature of the Church in a changing cultural setting. As we quickly
approach the arrival of “World Protestantism," how will we change, what will we become; how will that standard of “Always
Reforming” look on the scale of a world and not merely a continent? Can our most cherished truths survive in the face of a
Christian Africa, a Christian China, and conceivably “a Christian Earth” in the eclipse of the post-Christian West?
Presenter: Christopher Neiswonger received his Juris Doctor from Trinity Law School in Santa Ana, CA and His Master's
Degree in Communication and Culture from Trinity Graduate School in Deerfield, Illinois. He has been the host of the popular Radio Show on KKLA 99.5 for the last 8 years and has served in many Christian Churches over the last
twenty years. He works in the legal department of one of the world's largest NGOs, is currently an Elder in training at, and
a member of Calvary Presbyterian Church of Glendale, CA (PCA) and lives in Azusa CA with his wife Deni and their 5 children.
Session Audio Available:
8:00 to 8:45 -- Break and Breakout Sessions:
A) The Doctrine of Sin
Synopsis: In Leviticus 10, we see the sons of Aaron destroyed by God for offering strange fire and defiling His holy
sanctuary with that which is impure. Today, God does not dwell in an ancient near eastern war tent, but in the souls of His
people. We are the Holy of Holies with God's presence within us; and yet we persist in offering and ingesting defilement
before Him. Sadly, we often don't realize the gravity of our sin. Culture has taught us to see sin as a mere mistake or an error
to which a kindly God will give a knowing wink. However, the Bible portrays God despising sin with great passion. This
session will present a Biblical theology of sin framed upon word studies from the Old and New Testament, as well as a brief
historic and systematic theology of the topic; primarily drawn from Ancient, Medieval and Puritan sources.
Presenter: Sam Welbaum is the Youth Pastor at Shoreline Baptist Church is Fountain Valley, CA. He holds an MA in
Christian Apologetics from Biola University, a Masters of Theological Studies from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary
and is working on a PhD in Philosophy of Religion and Theology from Claremont Graduate University. Sam currently is a staff
apologist and radio host with and is adjunct faculty at California Baptist University instructing courses in Old
Testament, Philosophy and Evangelism.
B) "A New Song Played With Skill"
Synopsis: The example of the Psalmist, and of the New Testament Church is one in which we see the glory of God so
overflowing in the heart of the believer that they erupt in singing. We sing of what God has revealed about Himself and the
way of salvation, committing it to song so that it can be recalled and presented with a splendor that serves to further incite the
soul to long for the things of God. In this way, music serves the ministry of the word. In the face of Naturalism’s reduction of
beauty to a 'reward / response' in the human brain, we stand firm in proclaiming that God is beautiful and all particular
beauties derive from God. Further, we proclaim the beauty of the way of salvation. In light of this, how should musicians in the
21st Century Church proclaim the word of God and the beauty of God in a generation distracted and over-stimulated by
glamour? How do we make His praise glorious?
Presenter: Lindsay Brooks is a staff apologist with and has been a church musician and professional
musician for 20 years. He is a member of Communion Presbyterian Church and a husband and father.
Session Audio Available:
C) Grace: Saving, Transforming, Equipping, Assuring
Synopsis: A brief overview of the Reformed tenet 'by grace alone' and it's implications for the life of a believer and ministry
in the church.
Presenter: Born and raised in California in a conservative Presbyterian home, Pastor James is empathetic to the unique
concerns of Southern Californians. He pursued business after receiving an economics degree from UC Irvine, but received a
call to the gospel ministry and began studies at Westminster Seminary California (WSC). Having received the Master of
Divinity degree, Pastor James was ordained in 1994 as a minister of the Korean-American Presbyterian Church and served in
several ministries throughout Southern California. Pastor James has also served as moderator of both the North American
Presbytery (NAP) and the North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council (NAPARC). And has been an At-Large
member of the Board of Trustees of WSC for the 4 years. The desire to reach the lost and hurting souls in Orange County
led him to plant a church in the Winter of 2002. Together with his wife, JiWon, and three children (Melissa, Debi and Matthew),
Pastor James has been ministering for over 20 years.
9:00 to 9:45 -- Second Main Session -- "Apologetics of the Reformation"
Synopsis: A brief survey of the apologetic method of "The Divines," the authors of the Westminster Confession of the 1640's
Presenter: Paul Viggiano has been the pastor of the Branch of Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church for twenty-one years.
Prior to that he was a youth pastor for St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (USA) and prior to that on staff with Athletes in
Action—the athletic outreach of Campus Crusade for Christ. Paul has a Master’s in Apologetics from Biola University. He
also has credentials to teach college and high school. Paul has attended Talbot Seminary, King’s College Seminary, Bahnsen
Theological Seminary, Westminster Seminary and Biola University. Pastor Paul can be heard every Sunday morning at
10:00am on KKLA, 99.5FM on "Soli Deo Gloria." He also writes a column for The Daily Breeze, a secular newspaper in the
South Bay Area. He is the author of Remedial Christianity and a contributing author of He Restoreth My Soul. Paul is married
to Jen, and has four children: Gabriella (15), Paul Jr. (12), Sophia (10), and Gino (5).
Session Audio Available:
10:00 PM -- Close of Friday Conference
--> Lamppost Pizza (just 50 yards from our conference location) has agreed to stay open to 2am for us to enjoy late-night fellowship! Join us!
12 Midnight -- Listen to: on KKLA (99.5FM)
Saturday, October 29; 2011
9:00 AM -- Early Breakout Session: The "New Speak" of Liberal Christianity (A Conversation)
Synopsis: What are we to think about the church, seminary, or denomination which adopts the exact verbage of Scripture
and the Reformation tradition, and appropriates them with completely new meanings? Where shall we find consensus on
what the Bible actually teaches about our faith and practice?
Presenter: Rev. Kent Moorlach is the teaching elder at Communion Presbyterian Church (ARP) in Irvine, Ca. He is a
graduate of Talbot School of Theology and San Francisco Theological Seminary. Rev. Moorlach is a life long resident of
Orange County. *** Rev. Moorlach will also be preaching at the Sunday Evening Reformation Service at the Crystal
Cathedral at 7pm on October 30... Your attendance is requested!***
Session Audio Available:
9:45 AM -- Registrations and Exhibits
10:00 AM -- Welcome and Introductions
10:15 AM -- Third Main Session -- "Welcome to a Reformed Church"
Synopsis: “Who are these guys?” That was the question the teenage Daniel Hyde posed to his father when he first
encountered “Reformed” believers. With their unique beliefs and practices, these Christians didn’t fit any of the categories in
his mind. Not so many years later, and as Rev. Daniel Hyde of a Reformed church, Hyde now recognizes the road of those
on the outside looking in, just as he once was. Welcome to a Reformed Church: A Guide for Pilgrims was written to explain
what Reformed churches believe and why they structure their life and worship as they do. In layman’s terms, Hyde sketches
the historical roots of the Reformed churches, their scriptural and confessional basis, their key beliefs, and the ways in which
those beliefs are put into practice. The result is a roadmap for those encountering the Reformed world for the first time and a
primer for those who want to know more about their Reformed heritage.
Presenter: Rev. Daniel R. Hyde is a graduate of Westminster Seminary, Ca. and is the church planter and pastor of the
Oceanside United Reformed Church in Oceanside. He was baptized into the Roman Catholic Church, converted in a
Foursquare Church, educated at an Assemblies of God college, and youth pastored in a non-denominational church!
Rev. Hyde was brought to the Reformed Faith while in college and was drawn to it through its reverence, transcendence, and
mystery in both theology and worship. He is married to Karajean, and they have three sons.
Session Audio Available:
11:00 AM -- Break out Sessions
A) We Sin Because We Are Good At It: Confession & Forgiveness
Synopsis: This Session did not take place due to mechanical failures in our presenter's automobile.
B) Preservation of Scripture: A Lost Doctrine of the Reformation?
Synopsis: The foundation of the Christian Faith is the written Word of God. Why have so many modern Reformed
Christians consistently failed to apply Biblical presuppositions to the field of textual criticism which has resulted in the
acceptance of Bible translations that no longer support the proof texts of our Confessions? Pastor Stark will give an overview
of the history and philosophy that has led to this demise in the defense of the faith.
Presenter: Rev. David Th. Stark is senior pastor at Grace Presbyterian Church of Redding, California. He's a graduate of the
Reformed Episcopal Seminary in Philadelphia, PA. He is a founding member of the Covenanting Association of Reformed and
Presbyterian Churches. In his over 30 years of ministry experience, he has planted and pastored several Reformed churches
throughout Northern California.
Session Audio Available:
C) The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Reformed Tradition
Synopsis: Do Reformed churches believe in the Holy Spirit? If Reformed churches order their services in a liturgical pattern,
when does the Holy Spirit "move" to convict hearts and demonstrate "the gifts?" This session will seek to positively present
the person and work of the Holy Spirit in the Reformed tradition.
Presenter: Rev. Daniel R. Hyde is a graduate of Westminster Seminary, Ca. and is the church planter and pastor of the
Oceanside United Reformed Church in Oceanside. He was baptized into the Roman Catholic Church, converted in a
Foursquare church, educated at an Assemblies of God college, and youth pastored in a non-denominational church!
Rev. Hyde was brought to the Reformed Faith while in college and was drawn to it through its reverence, transcendence, and
mystery in both theology and worship. He is married to Karajean, and they have three sons.
Session Audio Available:
11:45 AM -- Pastoral Prayer
12:00 Noon -- Lunch (We plan to provide a low cost lunch option on campus, or you may bring a lunch, or you can find a local establishment!)
1:00 PM -- Fourth Main Session -- "Bring the Book: The Power of Protestant Pulpits (An examination of Reformation movements founded upon the authority of God's Word)"
Presenter: Born and raised in Belfast, Ireland, Philip DeCoursey came to faith during his teen years. After studying
engineering and working as a police officer, DeCoursey sensed God's call to the ministry and attended The Master's
Seminary in Southern California. Today, DeCoursey is the pastor of Kindred Community Church in Anaheim Hills and he is
heard daily on KKLA radio (10:30am -- and nationally) through the broadcast ministry of Know the Truth (
DeCoursey lives in Orange County with his wife and three daughters.
Session Audio Available:
1:45 PM -- Break out sessions
A) The Warrior-Pastor: Appropriating the Example of Ulrich Zwingli for a 21st
Century Reformation
Synopsis: Paul repeatedly admonishes Timothy to fight the good fight of faith and to be a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
Everyone knows that Pauline rhetoric regarding pastoral ministry is saturated with this kind of bold martial imagery, but it is
not always easy to find examples of godly men whose ministry conforms to these uncompromising standards. Surely in the
life of Ulrich Zwingli, the Reformer of Zurich, we find a pastor-theologian who sought to personify this Pauline imagery in his
life and ministry. Zwingli’s bold stand for the truth, even unto death on the battlefield of Kappel, stands as a model for 21st
century confessionally Reformed pastors to emulate by preaching, promoting, and defending Reformed doctrine against
those who attack the church by teaching false doctrine.
Presenter: John Sawtelle, pastor of All Saints Reformed Church in Brea, CA, is an ordained minister of Word and
Sacrament in the United Reformed Church of North America (URCNA) and has served previously in the Reformed
Presbyterian Church of North America. He has a BA in Humanities with a concentration in Ancient Near Eastern Studies from
CSU Sacramento, a Master of Divinity from Westminster Seminary in Escondido, CA, and is working on his Masters Thesis
in Rhetorical Theory and Criticism at CSU Fullerton. Pastor John loves to preach the Bible verse by verse in order to show
God’s people the basis of their doctrinal convictions in God’s word. His life-goal is to be part of a church planting movement
that plants more confessionally Reformed churches in the LA metropolitan area than there are AM/PM Mini Marts.
Session Audio Available:
B) Salvation by: Imputation or Infusion (What's the Difference?)
Synopsis: How are we made acceptable to God? On what basis are we made righteous before Him? Is it based upon
something He does in us or for us? Does this distinction really matter all that much? Come join us as we discuss the
difference between infusion and imputation of righteousness and decide which one plays a role in our justification and which
one does not. We'll find that a proper description of the gospel depends upon a proper use of prepositions.
Presenter: Rev. Jonathan Moersch was born and raised in Orange County and was active in the Calvary Chapel
movement. After graduating with a BA in History from CSU San Marcos, Moersch attended Westminster Seminary in
Escondido and became the associate pastor of Oceanside United Reformed Church. As an ordained minister with the URC,
Moersch is currently planting a new Reformed fellowship which meets in Capistrano Beach. Moersch is married to Kristin;
the have two sons.
Session Audio Available:
C) The Lord's Day Sabbath: Precious Jewel of Puritan Practice
Synopsis: The Lord's Day Sabbath is a precious gift given by God to His people as a sign of His Covenant with them. It is
like a bride's wedding ring. Yet so many Christians today fail to understand its beauty, seriousness and obligation for them.
The Church today is too often like a foolish bride refusing to wear her ring as a token of her marriage covenant. Pastor Stark
will answer many of the questions and attacks often brought against the doctrine and observance of the Lord"s Day Sabbath
both from within and without the believing Church.
Presenter: Rev. David Th. Stark is senior pastor at Grace Presbyterian Church of Redding, California. He's a graduate of
the Reformed Episcopal Seminary in Philadelphia, PA. He is a founding member of the Covenanting Association of Reformed
and Presbyterian Churches. In his over 30 years of ministry experience, he has planted and pastored several Reformed
churches throughout Northern California.
Session Audio Available:
3:00 PM -- Conference Concludes
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Sunday Morning, October 30; 2011
AM -- Reformation Sunday Services throughout Orange County --
- Communion Presbyterian Church --
Sunday Evening, October 30; 2011
7:00 PM -- Orange County Reformation Evening Service at the Crystal Cathedral of Garden Grove
A gathering of Christian churches for the celebration of the compelling message and continuing significance of the Reformation!
"The Reformation was the most significant historic and cultural event of the last 500 years. It was born into a time of political and religious upheaval the likes of which the world had never known and set Europe ablaze with newness of life and purity of heart.
So many years since, do the findings and foundations laid in that age of renewal retain their vigor and import? Are we still, as those that laid this path proclaimed, "Semper Reformanda," (Always Reforming)?
Athanasius once stood against the world for the purity of the Gospel; Martin Luther also had the honor of standing in that place against both Emperor and Pope with the world looking on, and in the face of that grand opposition did make a good confession, that unless he could be convinced by sacred scripture or sound reason, he should not, he would not, recant. “To act against conscience is neither right, nor safe. Here I stand. So help me God. Amen.”
To 'Reform' is not to abandon, neither is it to recreate, but to return; to return again and again, in every age and in every understanding to the path laid by the Prophets and the Apostles, portraying the person and work of Jesus Christ. If we are to be followers of Jesus then let us not follow at a distance. If we are to be Christians then let us proclaim with zeal the victories of our King Jesus. If we are to stand, then let us stand for something, and let it be worthy of living and dying for, because in so much as we cling to the good news of our Christ, we mark ourselves as those counted worthy by God of so great a salvation.
These are the fundamental questions of the Reformation, so let us see if they truly are still controversial, still important, and still in need of vigorous defense!
Why the Bible? Why Faith? Why Grace? Why Jesus? Why Glory to God?
Why must these “Solas,” without any other thing, be preserved in solitude from any mixture or confusion with any other element?" - CN
Friday and Saturday Conference Location...
Communion Presbyterian Church - 311 W. Yale Loop, Irvine, Ca. 92604
Sunday Evening Reformation Service in the OC...
Rev. Kent Moorlach of Communion Presbyterian Church (ARP) preached at the evening Reformation service at the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, Ca. We want to thank the many conference attendees who also participated in this service which highlighted the readings of major portions of the Heidelberg Catechism and a message entitled, "The Glory of God."
A video of the sermon is linked here: